Projet 1
Archaeology of the Self
Draft of Mission statement
Brain Storm
-Fear, anxiety
-Avant Éliane, ruptures
-s'effacer, se cacher, troubles alimentaires
-trauma dumping?
-konjac noodles: pas de personnalité, mais yet so strange
-Avoir tout élagué,trop vite. Devoir faire le tour des friperies pour se retrouver
-Je paye pour ça
-être trop pour disparaître
-Point aveugle, ombre
-"empty stomach", cuillère d'argent libanaise, oeufs à la coque, toque oeuf, cuire un oeuf
I do not want to work as an artist. It's too scary and I wouldn't feel satisfied. However, without really knowing what I want to become, I can still lay out the foundations that I want to work with; I want to do my best to find the fairest compromises for everyone. Thus, I find it essential to have good communication, a full stomach and a good dose of integrity.
1. Your medias : Mail art and sculpture
2. Your central subject matter/ research question: reconstruction
3. Your resources
4. Obstacles (what obstacles you need to consider that might prevent you from competing this project? what needs to be done to manage/ reduce/ eliminate the obstacles?)
-Repas sous vide
-Maison en pain d'épice, background video
-Maison et meuble

10 Souvenirs:

1. 2006, Nice, Ballade des anglais, premier orgasme-J

2. 2009, aéroport de Nice, maman pleure, départ France, départ Gilles-Ethan

3.2007, Roquefort les Pins, mon gardien me frotte contre lui-Eliza

4. 2006, Roquefort les Pins, je cueille des figues dans ma cours de récréation-Davita

5. 2008, Roquefort les Pins, je montre mes fesses en échange de bonbons à la récréation-Brandon

6. 2017, Montréal, Sacha me force à le branler. Il est en kilt.-Alexis

7. 2015, Corse, j'embrasse Antonin dans une église et on se fait chasser à coups de fusil-Mika

8. 2019, Liban, Papa me puni en m'amenant à Tripoli en shorts. -Somaye

9. 2018, Montréal, je mange mon premier gâteau d'anniversaire sans me faire vomir depuis 3 ans. -Dylan

10. 2018, Montréal, je fais une tentative de suicide pour ne pas aller à mon examen d'anglais-Dexter

Artistic approach

Sculpture - Mail Art
Eating disorders - wanting to disappear
Food and presence: visual of the food, contact of the senses with the food, transformation of the food and absorption of nutrients by the body
Like the memories / trauma that resurface

----->During the exercise in class, I suddenly remembered the exact date of my parents' divorce:
----->Like when I was in gym class at cegep and remembered being assaulted by my babysitter

Self-archeology project, that's what I do with my shrink all the time, told me that we find ourselves most among others:
In high school, I baked a cake every birthday in my class. I have always liked to bring food to school to share.

Project stages:
1-Write down 10 memories that resurface during the week or that have already resurfaced and that marked me
2-Assign a memory to a student in the class
3-Prepare the cookie dough
4-Find a way to transcribe my memory on the cookie
5-Make the envelopes (sewing machine and parchment paper) + note
6-Deliver the cookies

Anna Banana - Art Postal and food
In progress
Janine Antonin, Lick and Latter
Anouk Chartrand Fayad
Dream House